Sierra Leona
Zapopan, Jalisco
In construction
3D model views:
Roberto Jaramillo
The inner courtyard. It is the way of living this interstitial space that defines the final architectural will of the project: life abroad, open, closed, in community; a living photograph of the Mexican vital utopia, that is, a world of coexistence, disorder, color and nature; A reflection of the soul in the Mexican patio. These patios in turn visually and harmoniously connect the exterior invaded with vegetation with the interiors, creating very diffuse boundaries between interior and exterior. Leaving open views to all points of view, mountains, streams, trees, streams and lush vegetation.
The architecture of the houses in the center of ancient cities used the patio as the heart and distribution of the house and its future growth. A sober and simple distribution that in turn guarantees good ventilation and lighting to each space.
Built on an extremely steep site in an area with extensive vegetation, emphasis was placed on integrating the house into the forest environment with minimal disturbance to wildlife. One of the first points to reconcile was to "extend" more "flat" land to create a garden at house level. Its black exterior color scheme mimics the black tree trunks seen in the forest.
Ecological or "green" architecture is commonly centered in a very orthodox form characterized by a lifestyle of guilt and sacrifice. It is often at odds with comfort or good taste and instead brings us the promise of a life of hard work that will be rewarded with prosperity. This project tries to link and reach an agreement in which the environment is benefited while the inhabitants of the house do not sacrifice their comfort. For this, the project uses several ways to achieve it, by mechanical and natural means and by taking advantage of the immediate environment.
Guadalajara, México.
Calgary, Canadá.