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Let's suppose...






ARPAFIL contest

Project leader:

Arq. Arcelia Cornejo .



ARPAFIL is a contest that takes place within the framework of the FIL (International Book Fair) of Guadalajara, as one of the architectural and urban activities within this important festival of international stature.


On this occasion, the topic to be discussed was that of "THE CITY", which raised the assumption that no type of human settlement was ever built in the Atemajac Valley and therefore it would be a virgin area in which the proposal would be developed, COCCO entered the contest with two proposals "Suppose that ..." and "HOMODOMUS" both proposals were among the finalist projects at the international level of this contest, the proposal "Suppose that ..." secured its place thanks to the hopeful tinge of a better future from a sustainable proposal at different levels, from the economic, ecological, social and integration and inclusion of all labor sectors, the judges mentioned that the gradual growth through rings and the creation of services close to all inhabitants was one of the determining points for the proposal to remain as one of the finalists.



Suppose that Guadalajara never existed, instead the Spanish colonizers established on Tuesday, February 14, 1542, the capital of Jalisco in an enclave between the coast of the state and Lake Chapala which they called Nueva Galicia, 468 years passed and in 2009 They realized that the capital could no longer cope with the population size or their needs, so it was decided to create from scratch a new city for the 21st century located in the Atemajac valley, the main reason why it was decided This site is its ease of connection both with the state capital and with most of its towns and municipalities, as well as its proximity to natural resources, the new city must host X amount of people, as well as new shops and services because foresees that this should not only serve as a bedroom, but also promote the activities of the entire metropolis, in addition to serving as a catalyst for new population growth.


Thinking about a long-term future, it is proposed that this apart from complying with the requirements that the federation has raised, it also generates the least amount of pollutants, produces its own energy and food in an ecological way and covers its needs in more than 100% so that the surplus can be distributed to the rest of the state.


The design of the new city contemplates the implantation of units of inhabitants, each of these will have all the minimum services to be managed with decentrality, thus guaranteeing the equality of each unit with respect to the others, in this way each inhabitant will live close to their work, as well as services such as health, commerce, entertainment, etc., in this way they will not need a car to reach their destinations. The only areas separated by gradual growth rings will be agro-industries, farms, grasslands, zoos, ecological reserves, wind farms, and water treatment plants.


The main means of transport will be buses, subways, monorail, buses and bicycles. It opts for the homogenization of the blocks, in order to equalize the opportunities in terms of construction, and for a grid to guarantee the smooth movement of vehicles and thus reduce the emissions of pollutants.


A balanced distribution of residential and office space encourages a natural day and night flow in street life. Within this creation of a new city, new regulations are also created to optimize its operation and sustainability. All buildings must have 100% green areas, waste recycling, solar heaters and photovoltaic panels, among others. In the case of skyscrapers, they must comply with 200% green area and even LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).


  • Gris Icono Houzz

Guadalajara, México.

Calgary, Canadá.

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